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A simple toggle control The control can be created with an interaction to control its activation.


  <ol-map style="height: 400px" :controls="[]">
    <ol-view :center="center" :zoom="zoom" :projection="projection" />

      <ol-source-osm />
    <ol-videorecorder-control @stop="videoStopped" />

<script setup>
import { ref } from "vue";
const center = ref([40, 40]);
const projection = ref("EPSG:4326");
const zoom = ref(8);

const videoStopped = (event) => {


Props from OpenLayers

Properties are passed-trough from ol-ext directly. Their types and default values can be checked-out in the official docs. Only some properties deviate caused by reserved keywords from Vue / HTML. This deviating props are described in the section below.

Deviating Properties


If this property is set, the file will be downloaded immediately after stopping the recording and saved as the given downloadName. If not defined, you need to handle the stop event fired on component level. By default this property is set to mapVideo.mp4.


You have access to all Events from the underlying control. Check out the official docs to see the available events tht will be fired.

<ol-videorecorder-control @error="handleEvent" />


You have access to all Methods from the underlying control. Check out the official docs to see the available methods.

To access the source, you can use a ref() as shown below:

  <!-- ... -->
  <ol-videorecorder-control ref="vRef" @error="handleEvent" />
  <!-- ... -->

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, onMounted } from "vue";
import type VideoRecorder from "ol-ext/control/VideoRecorder";

const vRef = ref<{ control: VideoRecorder }>(null);

onMounted(() => {
  const recorder: VideoRecorder = vRef.value?.control;
  // call your method on `recorder`