A profile control.
style="height: 400px"
<ol-view ref="view" :center="center" :zoom="zoom" />
<ol-source-osm />
<!-- vector data path -->
<ol-style-stroke color="red" :width="3"></ol-style-stroke>
<!-- Hover handling -->
<ol-style-stroke color="red" :width="3"></ol-style-stroke>
<!-- point -->
<ol-geom-point v-if="point" :coordinates="point"></ol-geom-point>
<ol-style-circle :radius="3">
<ol-style-fill color="green"></ol-style-fill>
<ol-style-stroke color="green" :width="10"></ol-style-stroke>
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { Feature } from "ol";
import type Profile from "ol-ext/control/Profile";
import type { Coordinate } from "ol/coordinate";
import type { Point } from "ol/geom";
import type { SelectEvent } from "ol/interaction/Select";
import type { VectorSourceEvent } from "ol/source/Vector";
import { ref, inject } from "vue";
const center = ref([650000, 5407500]);
const zoom = ref(13);
const profileFeature = ref(null);
const profileControl = ref<{ control: Profile } | null>(null);
const point = ref<Coordinate | null>(null);
const selectConditions = inject("ol-selectconditions");
const format = inject("ol-format");
const gpx = new format.GPX();
const selectCondition = selectConditions.pointerMove;
function handleFeaturesloadend(event: VectorSourceEvent) {
profileFeature.value = event.target.getFeatures()[0];
if (profileFeature.value) {
function featureSelected(event: SelectEvent) {
const selected = event.selected[0] as Feature<Point>;
if (selected) {
const p = selected
if (p) {
drawPoint("over", p);
function over(event: { type: "over" | "out"; coord: Coordinate }) {
drawPoint("over", event.coord);
function out(event: { type: "over" | "out"; coord: Coordinate }) {
drawPoint(event.type, event.coord);
function drawPoint(type: "over" | "out", coord: Coordinate) {
const profile = profileControl.value?.control;
if (!profile) return;
if (coord) {
point.value = coord;
const position = profile.showAt(coord);
profile.popup(`${position[2]} m`);
} else {
point.value = null;
Props from OpenLayers
Properties are passed-trough from ol-ext
directly. Their types and default values can be checked-out in the official OpenLayers docs: ol-ext/control/Profile
. Only some properties deviate caused by reserved keywords from Vue / HTML. This deviating props are described in the section below.
Deviating Properties
You have access to all Events from the underlying ol-ext
Profile Control API (without the event:
prefix). Check out the official OpenLayers docs to see the available events tht will be fired.
For example:
<ol-profile-control @over="handleOver" @out="handleOut" />
You have access to all Methods from the underlying ol-ext
Profile Control API. Check out the official OpenLayers docs to see the available methods.
To access the source, you can use a ref()
as shown below:
<!-- ... -->
<ol-profile-control ref="profileControlRef" />
<!-- ... -->
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, onMounted } from "vue";
import type Profile from "ol-ext/controls/Profile";
const profileControlRef = ref<{ control: Profile }>(null);
onMounted(() => {
const profile: Profile = profileControlRef.value?.control;
// call your method on `profile`